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14588 compounds
Privileged Fragments Annotated library contains 190k elements of 23 classes
4617 compounds
Privileged Fragments Annotated library contains 190k elements of 23 classes
3008 compounds
Privileged Fragments Annotated library contains 190k elements of 23 classes
12,563 compounds
Set consists of sp3-enriched β-lactams, generic library of covalent inhibitors, smart library of covalent inhibitors, smart library of covalent fragments.
4,063 compounds
3D Fragment Library is a set of small-molecule compounds with diverse and well-developed 3D-shapes for HTS and fragment-based drug discovery.
190,000 compounds
Privileged Fragments Annotated library contains 190k elements of 23 classes
11,269 compounds
Fragments Library is a set of small-molecules with high diversity, reduced structural complexity, drug-likeness. They possess a potential for "fragment evolution” and “fragment linking".
2,109 compounds
ChemDiv's Crystallographic and 19F NMR fragment libraries contain Fluorine Fragments (1480 compounds) and Bromine Fragments (629 compounds). The fragment library consists of small-molecule compounds containing fluorine or bromine atoms. These fragments are well suited for high throughput screening based on fluorine NMR or X-ray crystallography.
799 compounds
Smart library of covalent inhibitors and fragments with a wide range of reactivity warheads.


Custom ChemistryNovel Scaffolds and Discovery LibrariesCustom Building Blocks for DNA Encoded LibrariesScale up SynthesisMacrocycle CompoundsIn silico Drug Design (CADD)PROTACADME, DMPKMedicinal ChemistryDNA Encoded Libraries-CDI-CapabilitiesDiscovery BiologyAssay DevelopmentHigh Throughput Screening (HTS)Animal ModelsToxicology and SafetyChemistry, Manufacturing and ControlsPre-Plated SetRepresentative CompoundsNatural-Product3D-PharmacophoreMCE-18RepresentativeSoluble DiversityTargeted DiversitySmartTMAntiviralGPCR3DPhenotypic ScreeningCNS activityTranscription FactorsDrugs LibraryTarget ActivityTherapeutical DiversityCNSIon ChannelsProteases HumanKinases HumanPhosphatases HumanReceptors HumanOpportunistic PathogensCancerCardiovascularMetabolicImmune systemInfectionsMusculoskeletalDigestive systemRespiratory tractOtorhinolaryngologicNervous systemEyeMaleFemaleHemic and lymphaticCongenitalSkinEndocrineAnimalWoundsKinasesProteasesPhosphatasesNuclear receptorsOthersPPI modulatorsReceptor's ligandsEpigeneticMimeticsCyclic compoundsFragmentsPoolChemical classes AgroAllosteric Inhibitors
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